Texas Gothic

Texas Gothic Tidbits and other cool books

If you’re interested (which I assume you all are) there’s an excerpt of Texas Gothic now up at the Random House site.  (If that link doesn’t show the expert, go to “about the book” and click “excerpt.”)  It’s also up the book’s Amazon page, which means I’ll be posting it soon to MY webpage.

And in Googling this, I found that Random House Australia has the book listed, with the Australian cover, which I love as much as the US cover. I mean, when a cover image works, go with it! I think the Western font is fun, but I love the tagline, which I am hereby co-opting for my own use.

You can’t escape your inner witch…

If you’re looking for a book recommendation, be sure and check out April’s Fresh Takes column for interviews with Jenny Archer (Through Her Eyes) and Kirsten Hubbard (Like Mandarin).

Or, you could check out what the other Bookanistas* are talking about today!

*The Bookanistas are a group of bloggers and writers who love books, and on Thursday we talk about our latest love. Simple as that.

3 thoughts on “Texas Gothic Tidbits and other cool books”

  1. o0oo hooo hoo! I'm so excited! Hey, when wuld be a good time to shoot you some interview qs? Or would you rather do a guest post? (I only ask this because my qs get long-form answers :P)


  2. Well, the link does work! I'll admit, I pouted a bit when the excerpt came to an end. I'm definitely pre-ordering this book.I actually just finished reading the first Maggie Quinn book and loved it. I'm currently stalking… I mean, asking, my local bookstore to stock the rest of the Maggie books.


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