Stuff I like, What I'm Reading

Bargains that are bad for my budget (with a giveaway)

You guys all know about BookBub, right? Because if you don't, you're missing out. Basically it's a site that lets you know when e-books go on sale—you know how sometimes a book will drop to .99 or so, but just for a day? Great for the author, great for the reader. But how do you… Continue reading Bargains that are bad for my budget (with a giveaway)

Contest, Latest Shiny Thing, Travel, What I'm Reading

Read or Write Anywhere!

Do you like to read? Do you like to write? Have you ever missed your ride/bus/subway stop because you've been reading or writing? Then this is for you. YA Chicks is hosting an AMAZING giveaway, with prizes that include books, writer stuff, classroom stuff, from about 32 authors. Just go to their website for more… Continue reading Read or Write Anywhere!