Book Events, Uncategorized

Let’s Do the Thing. All the things.

It’s been so long that Rosemary-the-Author has, you know, interacted with human beings, I forget that there’s a protocol. A protocol that includes actually letting people know you’re going to be somewhere. I’ve got some nifty events coming up for writers and readers.


June 8-10

I will be attending and speaking at the 11th Annual DFW Writers’ Conference in Dallas/Fort Worth June 8-10. I’m slightly biased because this conference is put on by my home team, the DFW Writers’ Workshop (where you’ll find me almost every Wednesday night). But every year there’s a great lineup of speakers, agents & editors, and a number of success stories. So I’m not totally blowing smoke when I say, this is a great investment in your career.

This year the keynote speaker is YA author SCOTT WESTERFELD, who, I don’t know, you might have heard of. He’s written some things. I’m pretty excited about that. For a list of other speakers, and what the conference has to offer (besides the chance to meet me), go to the website.

June 22-24
SOONERCON — Oklahoma City

I will be getting my nerd on with my friends at SOONERCON, a Science Fiction and Fantasy Convention in Oklahoma City, June 22-24. Lots of cool guests, lots of panels. The Guests of Honor are author Carrie Vaughn and artist John Picacio. I just got my schedule, and I’ll be talking about things like representation in YA, romantic subplots that don’t suck the badass out of your story, and why the heck are people cranked about a female Doctor Who when it’s 2018 for crying out loud.

Anyway, this is a lot of fun, and for every time I roll my eyes at Big Bang Theory, I like seeing people at SF Cons that might not have given them a try ten years ago. Or, like me as a teen, wouldn’t even know where to start. Start with a local con, because you have a lot of access to the pros, and everyone is usually super friendly to newbies. (See next item)

September 22-24
FENCON — Dallas, TX

Another local SFF convention. I just confirmed I’ll be here, but the website has info, like the fact that Larry Niven is the Guest of Honor. It’s also the 200th anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. So there’s that. Mark your calendar.

October 25-29

Another annual favorite of mine, the Sirens is a literary conference dedicated to the diverse women in fantasy literature. The website describes it as “community that invites all attendees—readers, certainly, but just as importantly, scholars, librarians, educators, publishing professionals, authors—to converse as peers.” The “converse as peers” is what sets Sirens apart. No one is there to network or pitch anything, just to talk about women’s representation in literature.

I was invited as a speaker five years ago, and I’ve gone back whenever I can. “Literary conference” may sound a little stuffy, but it’s not at all. I highly recommend clicking here to check out the website if it sounds at all interesting. 


I am working VERY HARD on a project. YES, I have been working on it for a VERY LONG TIME. It’s not the only thing I’ve been doing since Spirit and Dust came out (you might check out my friend Kara Connolly’s book if you’re jonesing for something that reads pretty much EXACTLY LIKE AN RCM book if I’d written a time-travelling swashbuckling adventure novel), but it’s the thing that’s been keeping me tied up like the guy in Misery, minus the broken leg. (*crosses self*)

So this is me, headed to the computer every morning:

Let's Do this Thing

Seriously. I look JUST LIKE THAT.

Maybe I’d type faster without the sword in one hand.




4 thoughts on “Let’s Do the Thing. All the things.”

  1. Soonercon! I don’t know if you are staying up here during the con, but should you need (or want) a free place to stay, my wife and I have a lovely guest room you are welcome to use.



    1. That’s so kind! I’m staying at the con hotel because I’m like one of those electric cars that needs to plug in between jaunts. But I appreciate it! Are you going to be attending the con?


      1. My son’s partner, Kimber, has been part of Soonercon for decades. She finally passed the torch this year and is no longer on the board, but my family is still part of the process. I hope to see you there!



      2. “Let’s do this thing…”, page 313 Texas Gothic. 🙂

        You know, there is no Audible for Texas Gothic. I’d really like to listen to this story – all the the things (stories). I believe Jessica Almasy would be perfect. Listen to the Spirit Ring sample (by Lois McMaster Bujold) on Audible. Although the sample is way bandwidth constricted, you get the sense of how Almasy can be a teenager with attitude.

        Your stories are too good to not be available on Audible. I’ve listened to far less enjoyable stories (not always all the way through).



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