Latest Shiny Thing, Real Life

Awesome Things

There has been no new blog post for a week because…

1. I’m eyebrow deep in rewrites.

2. I taught/led/participated in six workshops/panels at DFW Writers Conference, which was awesome and cool and gave me the boost I need to dive back in to reason number one.  (See P.S. below.)

3. My Friend Kate linked to this on her Tumblr and I’ve watched it five times:

 Happy Reading / Writing / Final Exam Taking / Whatever is keeping YOU busy this May! TTYL!

PS  Are you a writer? Want to experience the awesomeness of an RCM class from the comfort of your own couch? I’m teaching Loglines, Queries and Pitches through the Young Adult chapter of RWA ONLINE the last week of June. Here is a link to register.It’s $20 for non YARWA members, but even if you’re not ready to pitch your book, it’s valuable information on things to make sure you put IN your book to make it irresistible when you do get ready to submit.

4 thoughts on “Awesome Things”

  1. Apparently there's a whole series of those videos. When I was at the Alamo Drafthouse for "Avengers", they showed several of them before the movie started.On the subject of your presentations for the DFW Writer's Conference, I saw one you did there two years ago that was just fabulous. It was on log lines, and you used the movie Aliens as an example.You went from something like "Space marines battle aliens on a distant world" to something much more engaging. I can't remember the whole deal, but it began with "Ripley, the sole-survivor of an alien attack, must face her fears…"Instead of some generic bug-hunt, we were immediately tied to a character and given a reason to care about her.Every time someone asks me about log lines or elevator pitches, I try to sum up your presentation. Alas, I do a pretty poor job of it. Have you ever written that one up for your blog?


  2. Hmmm. That's a good question. I've probably reference it in various places. On my to do list is "put all writing related posts in one place." (By which I mean, on my assistant's too do list, because I'm not good at that sort of thing.) I DO teach on online version of that class. In fact, I'll be teaching it at the end of June through the Young Adult RWA group. Here's a link: (I might should put that in the main post.) But I should have started with THANK YOU. 😀 I'm glad the class was helpful. I love teaching about writing second only to writing itself. (Rewrites are way down the list. )


  3. Thanks for the link to the conference. I just joined RWA (today!) and was debating if joining the YA arm was worth it; I think it's $20-$25 for the whole year, right? So far I've attended a local (Chicago) conference and a chapter meeting. I was really impressed with the conference which is how I ended up joining 🙂


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