
Yay spring!

After the freakish weather this winter, March has come in like a tame lion here in North Texas. March and October are my favorite months in Texas; generally whichever one I’m currently experiencing edges out the other.

In the fall, October is when we start to get a break from the relentless heat (even September days are more oppressive than not). Though we’ve had an unusually cold and stormy winter, I don’t look at the arrival of spring with the same relief as, say, someone up north might. People have been griping about the cold here for at least a month, saying they’re ready for warmer whether. But knowing that summer is on the way just isn’t something I get excited about.

However, March isn’t hot yet. It’s still cool enough I can leave my windows open and blow out the stuffiness of winter. The trees are budding, the daffodils are blooming, and the birds are chirping. Even better, I can enjoy it, because the spring winds are cool and keep the lid off the dutch oven that the city will become as summer closes in.

The dogs love it, too, as long as it’s not raining. They roll in the grass, sunning their bellies, and generally are adorable. The whether motivates me to get out and take them for walks, to clean my house and organize my closets.

Unfortunately, it does not motivate me to sit at my computer and write. I guess this is what they mean by Spring Fever.

It’s Friday, so don’t forget to check out my post on Genreality. Today’s topic: the YA protagonist.

2 thoughts on “Yay spring!”

  1. ALL I want to do is swim. I have this sparkling pool in my backyard that LOOKS like it'd be the greatest place on earth right now, but it's so So SO cold…. I am with you on October… it's THE best month of the year.


  2. Freakishly early spring here in Manitoba! I hope it lasts, its so nice to go outside without a huge parka to lug around :)I'm with you about October and March, beautiful months. Then again, I was born in October and my Mom was born in March, so, I might be just a LITTLE biased ;P


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