Stuff I like, What I'm Reading

Bargains that are bad for my budget (with a giveaway)

You guys all know about BookBub, right? Because if you don’t, you’re missing out.

Basically it’s a site that lets you know when e-books go on sale—you know how sometimes a book will drop to .99 or so, but just for a day? Great for the author, great for the reader. But how do you make sure you don’t miss these specials?

Go to and pick the genres that interest you and you’ll get an email every morning telling you what bargains you may want to check out. You can follow particular genres and also get alerts for specfic authors.

And Then There Were None Book Cover.jpgANyway, I’ve been planning to blog about it for awhile, but finally bumped “sometime” to “today” because Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None is on sale for $1.99 . It’s probably one of Christie’s most famous novels, maybe because it’s had a lot of movie adaptations (like the  most recent on Lifetime TV, which was deliciously creepy), as well as the stage play. (The current edition of the play changes the “Ten Little Indians” poem to “Ten Little Soldier Boys.” I think the book still uses the less PC version. Some of the characters voice some not so policically correct observations, but some of the characters may also be murderers, so, you know… there’s that.)

I love Agatha Christie’s mysteries, and they are on my regular reread rotation. They’re like comfort food in book form. (I feel the same way about Barbara Michaels/Elizabeth Peters.)  I enjoy reading new things and discovering new authors, but there’s something soothing about sinking into something you already know you’re going to enjoy.

ANYway. Bookbub can save you a ton of money…but it’s actually cost me money because at less than $2, I’ll buy something that I would normally look for in the library. (All hail the library. Don’t torrent ebooks, please! That’s piracy and it does not help your favorite authors. It does help us if you go to your library. Here endeth the PSA.)

Wait, where was I? Oh yeah. I fall right into the marketing plan here, because I’ll discover a new author this way (or an old author I haven’t read yet) and then I’ll have to buy their new stuff (even if I don’t get around to reading it until it’s old stuff). And of course at that price I’ll put the trigger quickly, as opposed to how I usually spend my book budget. Curse you One-click.

Oh well. It’s still cheaper than a daily Starbucks habit. And less calories, too.

The YA book bargains today include: (link) Kody Keplinger’s (The DUFF) new book Lying Out Loud for $2.99, and also (link) Megan Shepherd’s (The Madman’s Daugther) new book The Cage for $1.99. Yes, those are also my purchases today. *sigh*

I try not to sign up for all the newletters in the world, but Bookbub it totally worth it. I get a really loooong email every morning because I have wide reaching tastes. I’m on a mystery/thriller binge lately, though. (I would love to find another twisty mystery like Gone Girl, but maybe with more likeable characters. Any recommendations?)

So, what genres or authors are you going to put on your watchlist?  Post your favorite type of books (cozy mysteries? thrillers? paranormal romance?) in the comments and I’ll pick a name out of a hat for a $5 gift card to the ebook retailer of your choice. 

9 thoughts on “Bargains that are bad for my budget (with a giveaway)”

  1. You know, it’s really hard for me because even on somewhere like Goodreads, I always put in all these different genres that I like to read, but the truth is when I go on there looking for recommendations, I always go straight to YA. It’s not that I don’t read the other genres I like, it’s just like a 1:10 ratio of how often I find myself reading them.


    1. I think for me—and I do the same thing—it has to do with where I know I will consistently find something. The other genres are very dependent on my mood, and the voice and content can vary widely under one genre heading. Whereas with YA, I’m pretty certain most things I pick up will be entertaining. YA is where the fun stories are.


  2. Okay, I FINALLY came off my 10 year cozy mystery binge only to find that I have replaced it with an all out Urban Fantasy binge which is still going strong 15 years AFTER I picked up my first shifter title. Of course if you read UF then you also read Paranormal Romance because the two genres are generally lumped together. I DO take a break every once in a while, after whispering a short prayer, to check and see if you have blessed us with another peak into the lives of the Goodnight sisters If not that blessing than surely another adventure with Maggie Quinn and her sidekick Lisa. No you are not mistaken. I am not the target age for YA or NA novels, on paper, but in reality at my age that’s the ONLY way I can get to experience some of those mad dashes across the desert or the country . Please, please, PLEASE revisit the slightly off kilter world of the Goodnight sisters at least every second or third year. Yes I am sure you probably have a life and things to do but I am living mine through your imagination and it’s much more fun when you create the stories.

    I was very excited when I first read the information about Bookbub. Then I remembered I had to abandon my AOL e-mail account after I started shopping online and my mailbox was STUFFED with over 1,000 pieces of JUNK mail in just MONTHS! And that was with a spam filter and me going through and getting rid of the worst offenders. I gave up trying to keep up with it and moved to a new server with better spam filters. Just out of curiosity I checked and that account has over 33,000 pieces of mail waiting to be read…yeah, just not by me. I LOVE books and I LOVE sales. Combine the two and it’s nirvana without the calories which are the bane of my existence. So I am not sure if I want to sacrifice my e-mail account by signing up to Bookbub. Maybe I’ll create an account just for that and if they sell the address, no great loss. I can just close it or ignore it. Thanks for listening. You’re such a help.


    1. I am working on a super secret project that will please you, but I can’t talk about it yet. I have several books in the pipeline, but I’m terribly superstitious about jinxing myself. I know it’s weird. But not that weird, considering what I write. O.o

      Here’s a trick: If you have a gmail address, you can sign up for newsletters or shopping accounts or what have you with a “secret” email. Just add +whatever to your username. So I would be Gmail ignores everything after the +, BUT you can set up a filter so that every thing with, say rosemary+shopping@gmail goes into a specific folder. If you ever start to get too much spam at that address, you can set up the filter to automatically dump everything that comes to “+shopping” into the trash.

      (But honestly, I have a disposable account I use for online newsletters. However, I get very little spam to it. Just stuff I ask for, which is a lot by itself.)


  3. Oo! Awesome! For some reason I thought your blog was through Goodreads. So happy it’s actually here because I check this a lot more than I check Goodreads.

    I left a comment on this post through Goodreads though suggesting you try out Kerry Greenwood’s Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries. It’s a really good series set in Melbourne, Australia in the 1920s.

    Right now I’m on a murder mystery kick. Love Agatha Christie which is convenient because my parents do as well along with my dad’s mom. Between the two of them, mom and grandma bought all of her books so when I read them it’s not just me reading a book, it’s me being connected to my mom and grandma by reading something they held, read, and loved years and years ago. Only problem is my grandma’s books are disintegrating so they fall apart whenever I pick them up no matter how careful I am with them. We’ve actually put them in individual plastic baggies to keep them safe when they’re not being read.

    I also love Georgette Heyer’s romance books. They’re not bodice rippers – they’re about people actually falling in love in a time when you couldn’t even hold someone’s hand without causing a scandal. Sigh. It’s all about the story in those books.


    1. Um…I forget to check the comments on Goodreads, so I’m glad you found me over here, too.

      I love the Miss Fisher mysteries! My mom read and loved them, then we got hooked on the television series, and now I’m reading them. (Slowly.) And I love what you said about connecting with your mom and grandmom through books. Obviously, that’s something I share with my mom, too. It’s her fault I’m a voracious reader. 😉

      What I love about Heyer’s books is that because there’s so little physical contact, the characters express their attraction through banter and verbal battles. 😀 I love me some romantic repartee. I haven’t read Heyer in a while, just because, but I read her books growing up, and it very much affected how I like a romance to play out.

      Thanks so much for coming over here from Goodreads and commenting!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. P.S. Voice of experience here–think about selling/donating your books *before* you move, not after. Books are heavy, and take up a lot of moving truck space. (I had to downsize dramatically when I moved, and “do I love this enough to pay to move it/store it” really helped me make some hard choices.) (Yes, I went to your blog. Not a creepy stalker. 😉 )

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lol Actually my husband already moved out. I had to stay behind with my son because I didn’t want to move him in the middle of the school year. So I already broke my back moving my books. ^_^ lol I got the idea to get rid of most of them just before Mother’s Day but I moved the books back at the beginning of Dec.

        lol Stalking never entered my mind. Thank you for visiting my blog! Makes me feel so special because I have some of your books. I love them! 😍


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