Spirit and Dust

Things that make me happy

It’s been a rough couple of weeks at Casa Del Clement-Moore.  So to remind myself that Life is Good, today I am posting about Things That Make Me Happy.

1) My family and friends. I know this is cliche, but it’s true. Read the dedication of Spirit and Dust (you HAVE pre-ordered your copy, right?) and you’ll know how I feel. Family is a thread that runs through my books for a reason. I have a good one, and that includes the family I’ve chosen for myself in my friends.

2) Young readers.  Okay, yeah, I wouldn’t have a job without them. But the enthusiasm of young readers is unrivaled. Look at this bunch from TLA last week:

Brimstone has these readers absolutely captivated!
Brimstone has these readers absolutely captivated!

3) Knitting.  I got bit by the knitting bug big time. How lucky am I that it’s trendy right now?  I’m going to do this Spring Knit-Along if anyone wants to join me. On top of all the other projects I’ve got going. (And, you know, writing and stuff.)

4) Travel. I’m going to England in three weeks. I haven’t been talking about it, because it’s like I’ve won the  lottery. (I’ve definitely won the friend lottery.) More on that to come. First…

5) I get to do what I love, and what I’m best at, and I get to do it as my job.  Talk about winning the lottery!

I just got a big box of Spirit and Dust! Tell me in the comments what makes YOU happy, and on Friday I will draw one commenter to win a copy! 

35 thoughts on “Things that make me happy”

  1. Books make me happy. Without fail. On my worst days books take me away from my own unhappiness and there’s nothing happier than that.


    1. Word. Or as my bookish friends say, “Nerd to your mother.” (This may not be as funny not in person. But it’s funny when we’re together and caffeinated.)

      I have “comfort reads” the way some people have comfort food. Books that are like old friends. So I hear you.


  2. Reading and writing make me happy. Gardening and traveling make me happy. Talking with my two-year-old, man she makes me laugh. Rosemary, I’m sending you all my happy thoughts and prayers.


  3. Lots of things make me happy– including the fact that I get to read and write all day and my family supports it and doesn’t tell me to “get a real job!”. Oh, and that my two almost grown kids are probably not going to be serial killers, drug abusers or garden variety psychopaths, but good people who do things to make the world a better place. Honestly, with their parents, you don’t know what a relief that is… 😉


    1. Ha! I’m noting that for future “cheer up” conversations with friends and family. “Hey, I know things are rough right now, but at least your kid isn’t a psychopath.” 😀


  4. Whenever there is a new book release or an author announces they have a book coming out makes me happy. Seeing my boyfriend, who is in the military and a thousand miles away in Montana while I’m in Arizona finishing school makes me incredibly happy. I literally count the days until I see him again. Ten more days!


  5. Sending you good thoughts, Rosemary!

    Things that make me happy: Laughter. Music. Dancing and singing at the top of my lungs. A really good book. Accomplishments. Creativity. Sharing. Caring. Cats. Truth.


  6. 1. My family–they are always there for me when I need them. My friends are apart of this group and so at my 6 dogs that make life more enjoyable.

    2. Doing (trying to do) what I love–I’m an unemployed teacher, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I sub and it’s hard but worth it because it will help get me my own classroom one day. I love teaching and wouldn’t want to pursue any other career.

    3. My hometown– Many people take my hometown for granted. They don’t realize all the fun and interesting things to do. It’s close to a major city, yet a beautiful suburban area. There are also many historical sites, which I love visiting.

    4. Books!! I love reading and going to new places or learning about people from history. I’m 24 but still love YA books!

    5. Traveling– I love going new places. Also I am so jealous that you are going to England. I’ve always wanted too!


    1. I just want to say “Yes” to this whole list. Especially #2. I admire you for both your passion for teaching and sticking with it to follow your dream. We need educators who are passionate about learning. I hope that love stays with you always. (And if, as an author, I can ever do anything for you, let me know.)


  7. I hope that whatever has been going on at your casa will turn positive fast but I do hear what you’re saying, things at Casa Anderson have been rough for the past 2 and 1/2 years and these are the things that make me happy:

    1. My husband – without him I would be a squishy pile of tears and stress but he always knows what to say or do to pick me up and keep me going. He is the book love I have been looking for since I was little.

    2. My friends and Fmaily – although my family can be the source of my stress I know they always have my back and I love them so much. My friends crack me up and some how know exactly when to show up with one of our classic go to movies and a bottle moscato.

    3. Reading – it’s really more of an escape but depending on the book it’s better than a vacation (ok almost better – I would love a vaycay right now)

    4. The ocean – everything about the ocean is so freeing and humbling

    5. Food – there is nothing like good comfort food at the end of a very bad day, although it doesn’t help the waist line, good thing we’ve decided to go organic and healthy. mmmm!!

    Also these two videos:


    1. Oh my gawd, I’m so glad someone mentioned food. I was just thinking “Why isn’t anyone mentioning food? I must be really shallow.” 😀 And those videos. LOL!

      “Hold on. I have an itch.” her!


  8. ok so I don’t know why it posted that first video just go to youtube and type in corgi puppies stampede, that is guaranteed to make you smile


  9. My family – kids, husband, and everyone else who makes up my crazy family (friends and neighbors too!) If I had nothing else I have now, I would still have them so it’s all good.

    Beyond the obviousness of THAT answer – books! yarn! my spinning wheel! the computer! the people who live IN my computer and have become a part of my life in little ways. baking yummy things for the people i love. watching baseball, fangirling over the players, texting about the games with my sister. skipping out on capital letters and proper grammar just becasue it’s the internet and i can if i want to.


    1. lol. i always feel so rebellious when i disregard capital letters. like i’m playing hookey or something. and yesterday, i said ‘tho’ instead of though. and it wasn’t even on twitter.


  10. Family– specifically my dear hubby and four kids. Without them I have no purpose.

    Plants–gardens are the most peaceful place on earth.

    Kids– in general, I admire them for being who they are and fearlessly exploring what they will become. They rock my world–particularly my speech kids. I do so love coaching them and helping them find their voices.

    Good books– I’ve been reading like a crack addict these past few weeks. So many yummy stories out there.


    1. re: your speech students. omg, yes! That was the thing that kept me coming back to teach theater, no matter how much of a pain it could be. Those kids and their unselfconscious joy in being who they are. Maggie Quinn was a direct result of working with my theater kids.


  11. Springtime makes me happy! Everything is so green and beautiful, and the weather is perfect.

    (Yes, it was a beautiful day today in Georgia!)


    1. I love spring too. It comes early in Texas, and is usually over by May, but it’s been later this year. March and April are two of our most livable months here. Plus we have bluebonnets then!


  12. Things that make me happy: my kids (usually), my job (sometimes), and good books (always!)


  13. Traveling makes me happier than anything! I’ve been to 11 different countries in Europe and I can’t get enough. I did an internship in Edinburgh, UK last year and it was the best and happiest 5 months of my life. So good that I am going to graduate school next year in the UK. Have fun in England!! Im pretty jealous… 😉


  14. Too late, but wanted to comment any way. I am thankful for my family above everything. I’ve had some muscle and joint issues lately and the pain has been rough a t times. Having a hubs that will help me get dressed and kids that help out around the house was great.
    I am thankful for our kitties, too. They make me laugh and their purrs are comforting and cheerful. I am thankful for our YMCA. Working out with great teachers who are nice and take pleasure in their jobs make it even more fun to work out.
    And, last but not least, I am thankful for books that introduce me to new places and people and times. Y’all make me smile, laugh, cry and fall in love with characters. Thank you.


  15. PUPPIES! I have a GINORMOUS 5 month old puppy boy and by GINORMOUS I mean he’s the size of an adult Border Collie and weighed in at the Vet last week at 53.8 lbs. His name is Paddington and be is beyond perfection. (German Shepherd/Husky/Malamute/Collie/Lab/??? mix) He’s also my muse and my writing drill sergeant-so pages are actually getting written these days in between walks and play times and naps. When my last dog Corduroy died I truly never thought I’d be happy again but 16 months later Himself Jr. came along and proved me wrong. Also really great books-reading too many free Kindle books can make you truly appreciate a well told story – , really great friends, pie and spending my days doing what I was born to do with teaching dogs and writing. And puppy kisses. It Does get better. I thought last year was going to kill me,- Cordy was gone, my Mom had major heart surgery, I was back home to care for her, etc- but it Does get better and then one day, it’s Good.


    1. I love you for this. And I didn’t know you’d lose Corduroy. I’m so so happy that you found another companion. (I don’t know how I’d make it through anything with out my puppy.


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